Discussion With BG Ross Coffman of Army Futures Command

Discussion With BG Ross Coffman of Army Futures Command
January 23, 2019
3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
PSC Office / Teleconference
4401 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22203
*Members only*

You are invited to attend a roundtable discussion with Brigadier General Ross Coffman, Director of the Next Generation Combat Vehicle (NGCV) – Cross Functional Team (CFT), for an overview of the work of the new U.S. Army Futures Command (AFC). The discussion will focus on how AFC is reforming the Army acquisition process and how industry can posture to deliver capabilities to war fighters in the future.

AFC was created in 2018 for the purpose of modernizing the Army and executes its mission through eight CFTs:
1) Long-Range Precision Fires,
2) Next-Generation Combat Vehicles,
3) Future Vertical Lift,
4) Air and Missile Defense Capabilities,
5) Soldier Lethality,
6) Synthetic Training Environment,
7) Network,
8) Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing.

From the Army homepage: “Establishment of the Army Futures Command is the most significant Army reorganization effort since 1973. Army Futures Command will be the fourth Army Command and will be tasked with driving the Army into the future to achieve clear overmatch in future conflicts. The Army Commands (ACOMs): Army Forces Command: Force provider of the Army- trains, prepares a combat ready, globally responsive Total Army Force of U.S. Army Soldiers to build and sustain Army readiness to meet Combatant Command requirements. Army Training and Doctrine Command: Architect of the Army- recruits, trains designs, acquires, and builds the Army. Army Materiel Command: Sustains the Army- provides materiel readiness by equipping and sustaining the force. Army Futures Command: Modernizes the Army for the future- will integrate the future operational environment, threat, and technologies to develop and deliver future force requirements, designing future force organizations, and delivering materiel capabilities” For further reference, go to https://www.army.mil/standto/2018-03-28 

Create an account and click the "Register Myself" button to attend.
 Please contact us if you have any questions or registration problems.   
PSC Offices / Teleconference 4401 Wilson Blvd, Ste 1110 Arlington, VA 22203
Online registration not available.

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