PSC Requests Feedback on Shutdown Lessons Learned
PSC continues to collect information from member companies on the impact of the partial government shutdown and the issues raised for the contractor community, to advocate for “back pay” for contractors affected by the shutdown, and to work to avoid future shutdowns.

PSC has been asked by Congress to provide updated information on the ongoing effects of the shutdown and we are seeking your help. Specifically, we are requesting feedback describing your company’s recovery and any remaining issues you may continue to experience, if any. 

To the extent that you have information readily available, I invite you to share it with us as soon as possible. All information will be anonymized to show only the impacts on work, workers, and companies without identifying specific individuals or businesses. We welcome anything you can share but are specifically interested in the following:

Lingering issues associated with the lapse in appropriations, including, but not limited to, outstanding invoices or claims; any disruptions or delays in contract execution as a result of suspension of payment, performance delays or workforce implications;  
Communications of note that you have received from the government regarding resuming contract operations;
Claims or requests for equitable adjustments you’ve made to federal agencies and the resulting communications with, or actions taken by, federal agencies; or
Additional recoveries sought by your company and the resulting communications with, or actions taken by, federal agencies.
In addition, we would welcome any “lessons learned” recommendations to improve the communications, contracting or contract administrative functions. 

Please send your response to 

Thanks for your help as we continue work to limit the impacts of shutdowns on the contractor community and to seek fair and equal treatment for affected contractors and contractor employees. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to let us know, and be sure to check out our Government Shutdown Resource Center.