We all crave business intelligence to guide our decision making. From market trends and innovations to partner and competitor client insight, Business Intelligence (BI) includes a full spectrum of benefits. As a member of a PSC Vision Team, I can attest to the great opportunity the PSC Vision Federal Market Forecast provides PSC members with unmatched access to BI across the federal market.

Employing a variety of methods, Vision teams collect and synthesize insights into market and agency trends – from scarcities and innovations to budget projections and agency acquisition plans – giving an early peek into the agency’s challenges and focus. Additionally, participants benefit from market insight brought by fellow Vision team members, many of whom have multiple years of experience in that particular organization. Finally, networking opportunities with seasoned professionals within the government space round out the experience and widen everyone’s relationships.

However, great business decisions can only be made with real client insight. Nothing beats direct client interaction, but not all interactions are created equally. PSC client interview ground rules – non-attribution and non-marketing – set the stage for “straight talk”. Government interviewees have often commented on how refreshing it was to meet with industry without wondering what they were being “sold.” Hence, interviewees converse more openly about goals, problems, and agency direction – valuable BI in anyone’s book. Additionally, hearing different responses to the same questions uncovers unique perspectives that diverge from the generic agency-wide website descriptions. Finally, the ability to follow-up with a client post interview, bringing your company’s perspective, provides a significant advantage.

In summary, participating on a PSC Vision Team is synonymous with effective business intelligence gathering in our market. Like almost everything in life, the value you obtain is proportional to the work you put in. The good news: there are a variety of opportunities to participate and the ROI is very positive. I invite you to join a Vision team and benefit from another aspect of your membership! 

Early Bird registration is now open for the Vision Conference! Visit www.visionforecast.org

This article was published in the Summer 2019 Service Contractor Magazine. Click here to view a PDF of this article.