Featured Defense Day Sessions
Keynote with the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans and Capabilities
Understanding the Defense Landscape
Defense Industry Financial Health, Maximizing Growth and Profit Opportunities
Defense Workforce Challenges, Trends and Stakeholder Recommendations

Featured Civilian Day Sessions
Fireside Chat: Strategic Planning in a Changing Environment
Teaming (or not) for GWACs and other Strategic Pursuits
Human Capital as a Strategic Asset

Walk Away With A Better Understanding of:

The landscape and major challenges facing the federal contracting community 
Insights on how to refresh and adjust your corporate strategy during a time of increased uncertainty
Strategies for forecasting and positioning to meet your workforce needs

Who Should Attend
The Forum, created for growth, business and corporate development and C-Suite professionals – is an opportunity to build a community of practice where we can share insights. The goal of this forum is to promote a dialogue among corporate strategic planners centered on pressing issues facing our industry.

Click here to register!