Government Affairs Committee Meeting

Government Affairs Committee Meeting

Please join PSC for our Government Affairs Committee meeting on Friday, April 7, at noon as we host Ms. Halimah Najieb-Locke, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Resilience at the U.S. Department of Defense. Ms. Locke is responsible for assessing the health of the Defense Industrial Base and recommending key policies, investments and actions designed to strengthen the capacity and resilience of the DIB. She has previously served in multiple roles in the House of Representatives including Counsel for the House Armed Services Committee, where she handled all acquisition related policy issues and legislative development. Read full bio.

The Government Affairs Committee (GAC) meets the first Friday of every month and is often referred to as “the best information exchange in town.” Each meeting features a special government guest discussing, on a non-attribution basis, one or more critical legislative, regulatory, or other policy issues. The second half of each meeting is the information exchange, where up-to-date information and materials on relevant issues and recent policy developments are disseminated and discussed.

Cate Benedetti
Vice President, Government Relations

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1. Sign In (Don’t have an account? Create an account)
2. Click "Register Myself" Button
3. Enter your Zip Code at the bottom of the registration page as requested and click "save response" (this step is required to complete registration)

4. Proceed to Checkout
5. Submit Order  

Please contact if you have any questions or registration problems. 

Contact us if you are interested in being the sponsor for this meeting.

April 7, 2023


12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. ET


Free for members
Closed to nonmembers

4/7/2023 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Registration not available.

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