2020 PSC Acquisition Policy Survey

Released Dec. 10, 2020


Click here to download a pdf of the report.
Click here for the PSC Press Release



> Officials lauded employee’s adaptation to the COVID-19 work environment and noted that there has been little to no delay caused by teleworking.

>"...new solicitations are hitting the street as normal with no impact."

> Pre-emergency investment in IT modernization paid off for agencies.

> Intelligence community must now rethink how it operates classified environments.


 33% of respondents believe the acquisition workforce improved in the last two years, and 67% of respondents believe it stayed the same.

> A lull in workforce improvement indicates the current acquisition workforce is aging and retiring, resulting in a knowledge gap: “We have lots of retirees. People with 30 or 40 years of experience are leaving.”

> Hiring, training and retention are made difficult by this knowledge gap, and a new generation of procurement professionals are rendered inflexible in interpretation of the FAR.

Data Management

> Respondents cited data management as the biggest disruptor in the future of federal contracting.
> Effective data management depends on having the right employees.

   “Data science is one thing, but that plus subject matter expertise is entirely another. Small batch fine whiskey—these are rare individuals.”

> IT modernization is essential and will be governed by greater demand for security.


> 60% of respondents believe budget  challenges worsened in the past 2 years, and in the next 2 years, 40% of respondents believe challenges will continue to worsen.

>We expected a worse outlook for the next 2 years. Respondents indicatedprocurement officials are now used to operating with volatile budgets and doing
"less with less." 

> CRs are the new normal. "CRs are now built into likely scenarios for program offices"


> Respondents offered a framework for better industry-government communication which includes four essential pillars: be honest, be open, be early and communicate frequently. 

> 67% of interviewees said communication and collaboration will improve in the next 2 years. 

> Respondents noted government and industry need strong, direct, honest lines of communication as strategic advisors.
  “We get more work accomplished and solve problems when we communicate and work together.” 

For more information contact policy@pscouncil.org.