PSC Welcomes Signing of Coronavirus Stimulus Act
Arlington, Va. (Mar. 27, 2020) The Professional Services Council (PSC) welcomed the President’s signing of H.R. 748, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. PSC President & CEO David J. Berteau issued the following statement:
We believe this Act makes a good start in addressing PSC’s priorities. The Act contains important provisions that enable contractors to continue their day-to-day support of the federal government.
As the impact of COVID-19 continues, PSC is focusing on three key priorities:
1. Keep the government working.
2. Keep contractors working.
3. Keep contractors and their employees getting paid.
It is critically important that the government continues to function well. Contractors are ready to increase their efforts to help keep the government fully operating. We thank Congress and the Executive Branch, and we urge the swift implementation of CARES Act provisions. PSC will continue to identify issues and challenges facing contractors and propose solutions to meet our three priorities.
Media Contact:
Pheniece Jones
Director, Media Relations
About PSC: PSC is the voice of the government technology and professional services industry. PSC’s more than 400 member companies represent small, medium and large businesses that provide federal agencies with services of all kinds, including information technology, engineering, logistics, facilities management, operations and maintenance, consulting, international development, scientific, social, environmental services, and more. Together, the trade association’s members employ hundreds of thousands of Americans in all 50 states. Follow PSC on Twitter
@PSCSpeaks. To learn more, visit